About Us


Educating students to be dignified selfless guardians and advocates of structural diversity in academic institutions, by coaching students to become sensitive and enlightened deliberate participants in society, teaching them to think and navigate throughout life as transformative leaders with an ethical and moral compass on the darkest lonely paths where no just laws exist for racial equity.


Creating dignified, diverse, enlightened, equitable and loving environments in academic institutions for African-Americans, Latinos and other marginalized people, by systematically identifying and ending organizational culture and policies that detriment racial equity, reinforce structural racism and condone metastasized racism in academic institutions.

Change we Expect in Our Society Begins with Us as Educators

If the most educated and enlightened Whites among us in a university environment cannot change and rise above base instincts and the nativism of racism to act ethically, equitably and morally in the interest of all tribes in our small community, then how do we expect the rest of the nation to evolve and rise from the bondage of systemic racism to embrace change and love? The change we expect in our society starts with us as educators—we should stop talking, stop making hollow speeches with contrived statements about equity and inclusion; and without hesitation begin to act conscientiously and deliberately toward constructive diversity and expanding ethical conduct at URI and all universities nationally.